Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Turning over a new palm frond...

If you had asked me 6 months ago where I planned to be by August of this year, I couldn't have answered you. By nature I am a restless person and this is a feeling I usually relish. Not this time, however.

At the time I was bitterly frustrated with my job (I would still be, had Friday not been my last day) and courting an opportunity to work in Frankfurt, Germany. Those of you who know me, you know that this would be a pretty exciting prospect for me. Alas, 'twas not to be so.

See, my impending marriage has left me rather confused of late. Not because I doubt my decision; I look forward to the day that I wed my beautiful Polish princess. Rather, the problem lay in the logistics of the situation. Switching jobs at the time was out of the question. A wedding overseas does requires a lot more vacation than any employer would have been willing to give me. The Frankfurt employer was willing to work with me on this, but my fiance does not speak German very well, and there were not many jobs for non-German speakers in her field (elementary education). Time came for us to consider other options...

Trolling the local job fairs, my fiance came across some school boards in Phoenix, most of them offering generous benefits. I was pretty hesitant from the get go. "It's hot in Phoenix, you know!" "Denver looks pretty nice, right?!?" Most of what I've heard of the city is bad, and almost everyone I spoke to about it was doubtful that I would like it. I had to give it a chance though... for her.

Well, a couple months, a short weekend trip and two job offers later, things are looking up. Soon we will be living off two incomes instead of one and half. I will be walking to work, and in August I will begin classes in pursuit of my MS. Oh yeah, and I discovered Phoenix ain't so bad after all.

Best of all, this job switch and move will afford me to be unemployed for the first time since college graduation, and for a month and a half to boot! Some of the fun we have planned:

-Up to Seattle to see my brother.
-Off to Warsaw to get married, of course!
-Krakow and Zakopane for a honeymoon of sorts.
-Dublin for some good ol' Irish fun.
-Vegas for our "official" wedding

The trip will conclude with our eventual arrival in Phoenix, where we will be able to enjoy our new life together, starting with a clean slate, both career- and lifestyle-wise. I couldn't be happier with the way things are going in my life right now.

Things are definately looking up.

P.S. Anyone want to buy a house in Vancouver, WA?

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