Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"Home is where the heart is."

If the above statement is true... then I am currently a transient.

Since graduating from college, I've changed my physical address five different times. I haven't lived anywhere longer than a year since my junior year of college, and if you count college dorms and apartments, then I have lived EIGHTEEN different places during my 26 year long life. Granted, eight of those residences can be attributed to college and summer transitions, but the fact still remains that that is a hell of a lot of places!

Now that the holiday season is upon us, I am once again forced to confront the fact that I don't have a place to call home. In the past six years since my mother passed away, I have spent Christmas Day in five different places. Maine, Scotland, Ottawa, Falls Church, and Warsaw. I haven't decorated a tree or strung up lights in forever.

My father has moved away from Northern Virginia, and I now have even less of a bind to the last real place I could call home. Ewa's family is there, my high school and college friends often end up there on holidays, but I can't use the term "going home" anymore.

Now that I'm married and "settling down", I'd really like to establish where my "heart" is... and maybe Phoenix is that place. I'd be lying if I said that doesn't weird me out. We're here at least until I finish getting my MS and Ewa establishes her teaching career, so we might as well start growing some roots.

That being said, where will we be on December 25th, 2007?

Purto Vallarta, Mexico.

Maybe next year then.

1 comment:

Jo said...

That's why I'm reluctant to move from this area, even if part of me wanted to see what it was like to move elsewhere. However, my folks have been out of town at least 4 out of the last 5 Christmases, I've learned to make my own. We got a plastic Charlie Brown Christmas Tree and everything!