Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Recap: Unexplained Absence

Been missin' a while, sorry. Since we last spoke, I've been to a friend's wedding in South Carolina (highlight: plantation houses, southern food, "grrrr!", etc.), watched the Diamondbacks lose their Mojo (highlight: my wife actually being interested in a sport) and spent a little too much time working downtown in the middle of the night (highlight: riding shotgun in a speeding truck with a uniformed member of Phoenix's finest, while watching Harold & Kumar on the onboard video and debating the merits of White Castle v. Krystal Burger).

Well, I'm back and ready to get back to informing people.

Life in Phoenix has done nothing but improve since my last post. The weather has cooled down significantly, we've made some friends, and I haven't missed a single Heroes episode since I first complained about the time zone. It does seem to be getting a bit windy though, and I wonder if that portends an impending dust storm. I hope so. I think that would be kind of cool.

My sweet Kochanie ("Ko-han-yea") and I have begun training for the P.F. Chang's Rock 'n' Roll half-marathon here in Phoenix. This will be quite the daunting task, since my current running fitness puts me at a max of about 3.5 miles. That's pretty far from 13.1 miles I need to be able to run by then, but we plan to warm up by running the Run for Innocence 5k in November and the Trot for Tots 10k in December. Anyone whos' interested in running any of these events with us is welcome to come on out here, we can put a few people up at our place. I know we already have a few takers for the half-marathon.

Anyway, I have to get to work. Stay tuned this week for some new Phoenix observations, as well as a link to my new Flickr site.

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