Thursday, October 4, 2007

Keep Your Opinons At Home

Take a look at this story.

I was stuck in a car with a co-worker of mine yesterday when he decided to bring it up. I was told that flying the Mexican flag over the American flag was not only illegal (true), but an act of war (untrue). Never mind that a mexican diner doesn't have an army and isn't considered an embassy of the Mexican government. I just kept my responses to a neutral minimum.

Seriously, what do you do in a situation like that? Why is it that every time I have to share a car ride with a co-worker, it's all of a sudden time for them to pipe up on their opinions? Other than the Mexican flag story, I've had to listen to opinions on the Clintons, gay marriage and the Iraq war as well. I always stay quiet in these situations. If I cared to hear someone's opinion on political issues, maybe I'd go out with them for some drinks after work. Otherwise, I'm not interested in discussing these things with them or trying to change their close-minded opinions. It would just breed hostility in the office.

Immigration is an issue that really bothers me though, because everyone seems to have an opinion on it, and it's usually based on some shallow stereotype. I don't know how many times I've had to hear that 'why do I have to press 1 for english?' remark. Until you stop buying your Faded Glory jeans from Walmart for Indonesian sweatshop prices, I don't want to hear your opinion on globalization or immigration.

If your job is at risk of being taken by an foreigner that does your job for cheaper than you do (whether in America or not), maybe you ought to look into a new line of work.

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